Exaco Bio Green Heater
Bio Green Heater - Palma: German designed high quality greenhouse space heater. Attractive design. Unit can both free standing or hang. Easy to carry. Electric 110-120 volt/ 60 Hz heater; 10 settings (32º-185ºF), 1,500 watts/5120 BTU (10 amp).
Perfect heater for most greenhouses around 120 sq.ft - but it all depends on how many plants are inside a greenhouse - a full greenhouse needs less power. .Comes with 10-feet 3-prong power cord. Size: 11" x 8" x 12.5" h; perfect for the RIGA 2-5 and J-Vic and VI 23-36 units. Thermostat Range: 32-185º F Stainless Steel Housing. Water resistant.
NOTE: we reserve the right to supply a substitute 110-volt substitute heater of equal value if the BIO Green units are not available: standard substitute is a Uline space heater