Exaco Dr. Infrared Heater, DR-988 5600W Portable Industrial Heater
The DR-988 Portable Industrial Heater is designed to efficiently heat construction sites, garages, basements, and workshops with its customized heating element. Its compact design and built-in adjustable thermostat, ranging from Low to High, make it ideal for on-the-go use. In addition, its built-in fan ensures consistent warmth. The DR-988 stands out for its reliability and durability.
- Heater - industrial level:
- Infrared Portable electric 208 (4200 watts) -240 (5600 watss) volt heater
- At full power produces ~18,500 BTU. Fan switch: on or automatic; thermostat control switch. 6-feet heavy duty 3-prong power cord
- Plug is: NEMA #6-30P. Requires 30 AMP breaker.
- Size: 12" x 12" x 16" h. Perfect for the RIGA XL and VI 46 units. (>200 sq.ft.).
- Red Box